Keenen Dalmatians
Keenen Dalmatians Spotlight

CH Keenen Quicksilver Full Monty


Monty takes Winner's Dog at the Ventura, California shows with Bruce Schultz handling. He returns to the East Coast to finish his Championship with two more majors, owner/breeder handled by Meg Keenen!

"Monty" is available at stud to approved bitches.
His first litter is here

Monty's Pedigree

BIS BISS Am/Can CH Quicksilver Rhythm And Blues
CH Smithforged So. St. Road Ready
AM/CAN CH Cyncars Whiz Kid Of Croatia
AM/CAN CH Long Last Perfect For Paisley CD
CH Sunnyglen's Spencer For Hire
CH Long Last Solar Flare (l)
CH Swood-paisly-cyncar Me Special
CH Fireman's Freckled Friend
Snowood Paisley Cameo Croatia
CH Smithforged South St Sadie CD
AM/CAN CH Centurion Jaunty Jim
CH Centurion Thunder Burstin CD
Soldal Centurion Sassafras
CH Firewag'ns Bobbie Sue
CH Count Miguel Of Tuckaway
CH Firewag'ns Lucinda Of Croatia (l)
CH Quicksilver's Little Deuce Coupe
AM/CAN CH Hopi Kachina Kweo
CH Whinemaker's One For The Road
CH Sunnyglen's Spencer For Hire
Insignia De Montjuic
CH Hopi Kachina Sohu (l)
Fandango Fantasy Of Spots (l)
Hopi Kachina Maswik-mana
AM/CAN CH Devilstar's Moonshadow CD
AM/CAN CH Devilstr Snygln Rich N Spirit
CH Sunnyglen's Spencer For Hire
Devilstar Spotfire
Devilstrs Small Craft Warning
CH Dal Acres Banners Blazing
AM/CAN CH Devilstar's Andromeda
BIS BISS CH Keenen's Reflection-N-Time
CH Erin Keenen Strike Up The Band
CH Erins Poetic License
CH Erins Poetic Justice
CH Tuckaway Olympic
Erin N' Acorn Wildwood Sophia
CH Tioga Blue J'ns Of Dalmatia
CH Erin's Wildwood Luke Macgyver

Tioga Design'r Jn's Of Dalmatia

CH Erin's Cinnaburst (l)
CH Erin N Shamrock's Lord O'the Dance
CH Erin 'n' Dynasty's Mighty Quinn
CH Erin's Lacey Jersey Girl
CH Erin 'n' Acorn Cuddledot Splash
CH Erin's Wildwood Rocky Road (l)
CH Erin's Katie Sparkle Plenty
Keenen Adirondack Half Moon
Keenen-N-Dinas Soes Bandit
CH Amera's Duran Duran
AM/CAN CH Alfredrich Handsome Tall'N Dark
Amera's Sheer Elegance
Fanfayre's Sparkling Penny
CH Fanfayre's Best Foot Foward
Sienna Blue
CH Amera's Blood Sweat N Tears
CH Fireman's Freckled Friend
CH Count Miguel Of Tuckaway
Diamond D's Dot To Dot
AM/CAN CH Alfredrich Opening Act
AM/CAN CH Triology's Troubleshooter
AM/CAN CH Sunkist Singalong (l)