Keenen Dalmatians
Keenen Dalmatians Spotlight

CH Keenen's Man In The Mirror

Jackson Jackson

Jackson finished his Championship with Five Majors! His very first weekend out, he takes WD/BW at the New England Dalmatian Club Specialty in 2011. Be watching for Jackson in the show ring as he follows in his Dam's, "Demi", footsteps.

Jackson Gaiting Jackson 4 Mos

Jackson takes home the points at Buck County 2012 with owner/breeder Meg Keenen handling.

"Jackson" is available at stud to approved bitches.

Jackson's Pedigree

CH Amera's Enigma
CH Amera's Intuition
CH Satin's Clown'N Around CDX CGC ROMX
AM/CAN CH Avalon Taylormade By Paisley (L) CGC
AM/CAN CH Long Last Perfect For Paisley CD ROMX
AM/CAN CH Paisley N Tucks Eureka ROMX (L)
CH Jazzy's Black Satin Dancer CD CGC
CH Fireman's Freckled Friend ROMX
AM/CAN/STS CH Bottoms Up Hopelesly Devoted (L)
AM/CAN CH TCJ Picture Perfect
AM/CAN CH Prince Harts ROMX
CH Tuckaway Augusta ROMX
AM/CAN CH Dalmyst Harts Afire
AM/CAN CH TCJ Bullet Proof
CH Fireman's Freckled Friend ROMX
CAN CH Croatia TCJ's Ten Of Harts
CH Snow Hill's Tiger Lilly (L)
CH Summerhill Braveheart ROM
CH Snow Hill Fireash (L)
CH Satin's Clown'N Around CDX CGC ROMX
CH Bar None's Grace Under Fire (L)
Summerhill White Diamonds
CH Sunnyglen's Spencer For Hire ROMX
CH Summerhill Mercedes
CH Spol't N'er Say N'er Snow Hill
CH Snow Hill Rapscallian
CH Satin's Clown'N Around CDX CGC ROMX
CH Snow Hill Sparkle Of Time
CH Spotlight's Deja Vu (L)
CH Tuckaway Augusta ROMX
CH Spotlight's Rave Reviews (L)
BIS BISS AM/CAN CH Keenen's Reflection-N-Time
CH Erin Keenen Strike Up The Band (L)
CH Erins Poetic License
CH Erins Poetic Justice
CH Tuckaway Olympic
Erin N' Acorn Wildwood Sophia
CH Tioga Blue J'ns Of Dalmatia
CH Erin's Wildwood Luke Macgyver
Tioga Design'r Jn's Of Dalmatia
CH Erin's Cinnaburst (L)
CH Erin N Shamrock's Lord O'the Dance
CH Erin 'N' Dynasty's Mighty Quinn
CH Erin's Lacey Jersey Girl
CH Erin 'N' Acorn Cuddledot Splash
CH Erin's Wildwood Rocky Road (L)
CH Erin's Katie Sparkle Plenty
Keenen Adirondack Half Moon
Keenen-N-Dinas Soes Bandit
CH Amera's Duran Duran
AM/CAN CH Alfredrich Handsome Tall'N Dark ROMX
Amera's Sheer Elegance
Fanfayre's Sparkling Penny
CH Fanfayre's Best Foot Foward
Sienna Blue
CH Amera's Blood Sweat N Tears
CH Fireman's Freckled Friend ROMX
CH Count Miguel Of Tuckaway ROMX
Diamond D's Dot To Dot
AM/CAN CH Alfredrich Opening Act
AM/CAN CH Triology's Troubleshooter
AM/CAN CH Sunkist Singalong (L)